Stories From our Claimants (Sunday Times)

20 September 2023 - 1 minute read

Published in The Sunday Times

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My Talc Claim been prominently featured in The Times. This coverage highlights the stories of thousands of British claimants seeking justice against Johnson & Johnson for the alleged cancer-causing asbestos contamination in their talcum powder products.

Claimant Stories

  1. Jess Ward: Diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 26, Jess attributes her condition to lifelong use of Johnson’s Baby Powder. Her story exemplifies the personal battles many face due to these products.

  2. Anne Taylor: Anne, a mother of three, developed mesothelioma after decades of using talcum powder. Her journey underscores the long-term health impacts many claimants are dealing with.

  3. Mike Evans: A retired engineer, Mike was diagnosed with lung cancer, which he believes is linked to his exposure to talcum powder during his early years.

Used talc or have a family member who did and developed cancer? Check your eligibility for compensation today.

These personal accounts are a testament to the significant health issues that have arisen, prompting this large-scale legal action.

For more detailed stories and information on the My Talc Claim, please visit The Sunday Times article.

We encourage anyone affected to join our cause and seek the justice they deserve.

20 September 2023