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We’ve provided answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you have a question that isn’t answered however, please contact us.

Our claim is against manufacturers on behalf of those who have suffered with or have ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, serous fallopian cancer or serous primary peritoneal cancer, whose cancers may have been caused as a result of unnecessary exposure to cancer-causing asbestos within talcum powder products.

We believe that manufacturers failed to provide consumers with adequate warnings about the safety of their talcum powder-based products that, consequently, may have been the cause of some ovarian cancers, mesothelioma, serous fallopian cancer and serous primary peritoneal cancer.

More information on our claim and who we are can be found on our About the Claim page.

Our quick and easy online registration form will take you through a series of questions to enable us to assess whether you may have a claim. In due course, you may need to provide some supporting documentation so please retain any records you have. If it does become necessary to provide documentation, we will be in touch to help you with that.

Once you have registered your claim, it will be allocated to an experienced lawyer, and we will be in touch about next steps.

We represent claimants in this claim on a 'no win, no fee' basis, which means that no fees are payable up front, and costs to the legal team will only be payable if the claim succeeds.

If your claim is successful, the amount you will pay will be based on a percentage of the total value of the compensation you receive. The amount you pay will also depend on some other factors, such as the amount of costs that manufacturers are ordered to pay - but all of this is explained in the funding paperwork.

If your claim is unsuccessful, you will not have to pay any fees.

We will provide further information as the claim progresses as to the various documents which are required, but as a minimum, we will require evidence of diagnosis of mesothelioma, epithelial ovarian cancer, serous fallopian tube cancer and/or serous primary peritoneal cancer. If you do not have these documents, we will be able to provide guidance as to how to obtain them.

Also, if you are acting as a Personal Representative we will require documents to prove your authority to act.  

Given the nature of the claim, it is hard for us to predict an exact amount and so final payments will also depend on various factors, such as any losses you or your loved one have suffered, and the severity of the diagnosis incurred.

We believe it is crucially important for those affected by ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, serous fallopian cancer and serous primary peritoneal cancer to receive the care and support they deserve, and we aim to work with UK charities and organisations in that mission.

We are here to help those whose diagnosis could have been preventable, had they received proper safety warnings about the potential risk of using talc-based products over a prolonged period.

We believe manufacturers need to be held to account for the harm caused by their products.

By registering your claim, you can help us seek justice for you.

All we need is your recollection that you, or the person you are representing, was/is a regular user of talc and for you to be prepared (if necessary) to give a witness statement to that effect. We do not require you to produce receipts or photographic evidence, but if that is available, it would be useful.

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, serous fallopian cancer or serous primary peritoneal cancer and have used talcum powder regularly for 5+ years, you could seek compensation from manufacturers for failure to provide proper safety warnings.

If you have been diagnosed with one of the cancers we are claiming for and have been informed by your doctor or clinician that your tumour is benign, as opposed to malignant, this is non-cancerous and therefore cannot be included in the claim.

In addition, ambiguous cases may not be eligible for the claim and borderline cases will not qualify for the claim. You can contact one of our team members if you have any questions on whether your diagnosis can be included, and we will be happy to advise you further. 

As this claim relates to asbestos within talcum powder, and the link with ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, serous fallopian cancer and serous primary peritoneal cancer, anyone who has had significant exposure to asbestos outside of this (such as through work) may not be included in this claim.

There are, however, several other groups, organisations and charities that look to support individuals who have been affected by asbestos exposure related cancers which may be able to help. Such resources can be found in our Useful Resources section.


KP Law are a leading UK law firm who are experts at managing large scale global litigation. Our partners have been involved in some of the most significant claims brought before the UK courts, where we have pioneered group litigation, successfully achieving billions in damages for our clients.

We believe that corporations should be held to account for their wrongdoing, wherever that wrongdoing took place. That is why we are committed to bringing a case against talc manufacturers on your behalf.

Learn more on our About Us page

Our legal team, working with medical experts, will present a case to a judge which demonstrates the link. There are many public studies already available which demonstrate the link between the use of cosmetic talc and various types of cancer.

If necessary, an insurance policy (or ‘ATE policy’) may be obtained which will cover any liability for costs and expenses in the event that the claim is unsuccessful.

We will seek to progress the claim quickly, and typically litigation such as this can take between one and five years to go through the courts, although we do not have any control over the length of time it will take to conclude the claim.

For how many years did you, or the person you represent, use Johnson & Johnson talcum powder or baby powder on a weekly basis?
Thank you for your interest

At this time, we are unable to represent individuals diagnosed with anything other than ovarian, mesothelioma, fallopian tube, or peritoneal cancer.

We are also unable to help people who used Johnson & Johnson talcum powder for less than 5 years.

Our acceptance criteria may change in the future. If you would like to stay informed about any updates to our case criteria, please leave your details below, and we will notify you accordingly.

Thank you for your understanding.

Your information is kept secure and confidential at all times.

Once you register to the claim, we will keep you informed of progress and next steps via email. We also have a dedicated Facebook page where you can stay updated on latest news regarding the claim.

In addition, you can contact us at any time, should you have any questions at all.

We are not aware of any claims having been brought against manufacturers relating to the sale of talcum powder in the United Kingdom.

However, successful claims have already been brought in other countries, such as the United States settlements have been achieved for similar claims relating to the link between talcum powder and ovarian cancer.

A 'Data Subject Access Request' or 'DSAR' is a formal request made by an individual to an organisation or entity that processes their personal data. 

To help you in your claim, we can facilitate a DSAR to the hospital or treatment center where you received your treatment. This request will enable us to gather any necessary documents that you may not have in your possession. By doing so we can ensure a swift processing of your claim with My Talc Claim.

Talc is a naturally occurring mineral found in rock deposits. It’s composed of magnesium, silicon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Its composition makes it highly versatile, and it is mined for use in a wide variety of products. It’s a particularly common ingredient in personal care products.

Unfortunately, talc is often found in close proximity to another natural mineral, asbestos, which is a known toxin and has long been linked to cause cancer in those exposed to it.

Concerns for the possibility of cross-contamination of talc and asbestos stretch back to early studies completed in the 1960s and ’70s. Once the mineral is mined, talc is crushed into a fine powder and distributed across a wide variety of industries, one of which being personal hygiene products such as talcum powder (baby and adult body powder).

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral. It has been found to cause cancers as a result of the microscopic fibres entering the body through direct exposure. The fibres in the body can then cause mutations, leading to cancer. 

For diseases such as mesothelioma, asbestos is the only known cause as a result of fibres being lodged in organ linings. Medical studies and research have also found that asbestos fibres in ovarian tissue have been linked with cases of ovarian cancer, serous fallopian cancer and serous primary peritoneal cancer.

Manufacturers have been selling their well-known talcum powder products for over three decades, marketing the product suitable for general use across the body and groin area.

Over time, there have been several investigations into the suitability and safety of the product, with links between asbestos in talc-based products and specific cancers dating back to the 1970s. Manufacturers have been accused of knowing about such risks and direct links but still selling and marketing the product regardless without adequate warnings to consumers and in some cases, hiding the fact that their talc was contaminated with asbestos.

As a result, thousands of people in the UK may have suffered and been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, mesothelioma, serous fallopian cancer or serous primary peritoneal cancer unnecessarily, or their disease may have been preventable.

We are aiming to support those affected in holding these manufacturers accountable – if this applies to you, you can register for the claim.