FDA Finds Asbestos in Baby Powder

01 January 2019 - 1 minute read

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In 2019, the FDA announced the discovery of asbestos in a sample of Johnson's Baby Powder, prompting Johnson & Johnson to initiate a voluntary recall of approximately 33,000 bottles of the product. The recall was a precautionary measure after tests confirmed the presence of the carcinogenic mineral in the widely used talcum powder.

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This finding raised significant health concerns due to asbestos's known link to cancer, particularly mesothelioma. The incident sparked widespread media coverage and led to a noticeable decline in Johnson & Johnson's share price, highlighting the serious implications of asbestos contamination in consumer products.

Read the full articles here: The FDA, The Independent, Consumer Notice, Eco Watch, Asbestos.com, Healthcare, BC Legal, News Groove.

I understand today’s recall may be concerning to all those individuals who may have used the affected lot of baby powder. I want to assure everyone that the agency takes these concerns seriously and that we are committed to our mandate of protecting the public health.
Ned Sharpless, M.D.
Acting FDA Commissioner | 18/10/2019

01 January 2019